

中国食品报: 看好中国内地咖啡市场各路巨头大打平价牌


界面:奥利奥不好卖 亿滋打算把另一个10亿美元级饼干品牌引入中国


网易: 中外品牌争抢800亿冰淇淋市场


联商咨询: 便利店收银台旁那种谷物棒 在中国年销售近千亿?


新浪: 三元收购八喜冰淇淋:首农集团内部左手倒右手




每日经济网:水井坊联姻酒仙网推互联网白酒 深挖年轻消费市场胜算几何


China Daily:Tsingtao steps in after Suntory JV loses fizz

According to market research firm Mintel Group Ltd, the beer market in China will become even more consolidated with leading players snapping up local brands, as the gap between what constitutes a local and international brand blurs.

China Daily:Moutai to make Russia’s rich tipsy

David Zhang, senior drinks analyst of Mintel Group Ltd, a United Kingdom-based consulting firm, said there is strong potential for baijiu in Western markets, in particular among so-called Millennials interested in drinking foreign and exotic brands, who tend to follow “East meets West” trends.

Global Food Mate:Top global food and drink trends for 2016

Global market research company Mintel has released its food and drink trend predictions for 2016.


和讯网: 拯救完中国男人的脸,欧莱雅又来拯救他们的头发


China Daily: Riding high on coral red wave

In the first quarter of this year, Amore Pacific generated revenues of 3.4 billion yuan ($535.4 million) from China, Mintel Group Ltd, a market research firm in the United Kingdom, reported.

China Daily: Tampon makers seek breakthrough in Chinese market

By 2018, their retail value is expected to grow to 84.95 billion yuan, compared with 57.71 billion yuan in 2013, according to market research firm Mintel. That represents a 47 percent rise over a five-year period. However, for Chinese women, tampons are still relatively new. In 2013, the market value of tampons was 1.25 billion yuan, up 8.7 percent year-on-year, but significantly lower than the 49.70 billion yuan that sanitary pads generated in sales, according to Mintel.

Sina: Chinese women increasingly in favor of South Korean cosmetics

“The single-brand store format is meeting the demand of the new generation, who are looking for niche, professional, personalized products that fit their lifestyle,” Chen Wenwen, senior beauty analyst at Mintel China, said.


China Daily: UK brands should be aggressive

Mintel research reveals that UK brands are perceived to be luxury, classic and trendy by Chinese consumers. This is certainly encouraging for UK companies looking to expand their footprint in China, especially those from the luxury, art and technology sectors.

China Daily: Marks & Spencer to launch flagship store in Beijing

Matthew Crabbe, director of research, Asia-Pacific at Mintel Consulting, said M&S has struggled in the past to get its message across, and to establish its brand as a distinct experience for Chinese consumers, despite the good quality of its products.

ADQUAN广告门: Mintel英敏特发布《2016年中国消费者趋势》

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